Celebrate Life NOW!

Halloween happens to be my favorite holiday. Sometimes it’s just easier to be your ‘true’ self from behind the safety of a mask…or so I’ve told myself in the past. Fortunately, I no longer need a costume or a mask to be my authentic self, to be happy, or to have a little fun. It’s a matter of being comfortable with who I AM….and having my happiness and joy come from the inside, not from other people or various situations.

This new ability to be happy as I AM rather than because of something around me has impacted my perspective of this special October event. I no longer feel the need to wait until one particular day to dress up, decorate rooms with odd décor, act weird, or give away treats to strangers. I can do that anytime. (Be alert – you never know what might happen around here.) No, I’m not losing my mind. It’s actually a great way to live in the moment and enjoy what I have now.

Many years ago I read a piece by Erma Bombeck entitled, “If I Had My Life to Live Over”  ( http://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/11882.Erma_Bombeck ) that planted a seed for this change of attitude. I also watch those around me who are ahead in years and wisdom as they use up or easily discard one family treasure after another – giving away things to family members, friends or charity – in an intense effort to make use of their collections or to clear out the burden of accumulating too much of life’s stuff. Once I started doing the same, my attachment to possessions, houses, cars, jobs, etc. all changed, too. What I know to be true for me now is that, for something to be kept in my possession for any length of time, it must be regularly used or displayed, or else it is shared or gifted away

It takes time for some seeds to really take root. We often call that maturity or part of the growing (aging) process when we finally recognize such wisdoms. I don’t have to wait for “someday” to enjoy and appreciate the abundant blessings that are mine. It’s happening now! I don’t need to wait until the right moment (event or holiday) happens before doing something special. I create the right moment. It’s always the right time for joy and happiness…to look for the Good in Life. And if there’s a holiday to remind us to celebrate the Good, all the better!

Stay-cation: Plan A or Plan B?

It’s no surprise to my family how difficult it is for me to take time off. And then there’s the insane process of ‘preparing’ to take time off…what I call “working at pre-vacation speed.” I don’t like catching up; I’d rather be proactive and do as much ahead of time so my return from holiday is at a relatively normal pace (whatever normal is at the time). Thus, by the time vacation comes, I’m truly ready!

My psyche gets a little confused over the whole stay-cation concept though. The idea of staying at home and not really doing anything is so foreign an idea that I’ve had to make some adjustments to the term. I can do day-trips, and then stay here at night, using my home like I would a hotel. I would need to leave very early in the day with a destination planned to encourage my departure. Otherwise, I know what I’ll do…start puttering around, picking up things, fixing projects, sitting down at my computer, etc. Before long, the day is over and I’ve not really experienced the activity I had intended. You can see my dilemma. Obviously the work-aholic issue is alive and present.

With regard to making plans, one tip I received long ago has come in handy in many situations. Make your first activity (Plan A) something you want to do, something you would enjoy and that feels like a worthwhile endeavor. Then also formulate a “Plan B” – an activity of equal or greater interest such that if “Plan A” didn’t work out, you wouldn’t feel at all disappointed. In fact, you might even secretly prefer that “Plan A” failed so you COULD do “Plan B.”

It’s a bit of an insane idea, psyching yourself out of wanting to do the first thing so you can do the second and have more fun, yet still feeling good about failing at the first option not working out to be able to enjoy the second. Make sense? For example, if…

  • “Plan A” is to secretly hide away at home for three days with my husband so we can re­organize my office and finally get it functional and beautiful so I’m happy to be there every day, maybe get done quickly enough that we could do one or two of the things below
  • …or…
  • “Plan B” is (forget the office) just go off on daytrips with my husband, seeing local sights we’ve talked about, doing short hikes and café lunches, visiting places where we’d like to do dedicated retreats, watching a movie during the day or reading a book in the sunshine at a park

…I have some inner conflict between these two options. Each one would be fun for me! Each option leaves me satisfied. But this stay-cation isn’t about just me. The above plans have been discussed with my husband and somewhat laid out. I’m willing to turn over this challenging decision to him and go with the flow, knowing either option will bring happiness to my life. Who would have thought it would be so complicated to want to get away from work?

Won’t it be interesting to see how it all turns out?

Stay and Grow

I recently watched a movie (The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel) that had a profound impact on me. It initiated a discussion with my husband in which I became aware of hidden beliefs about where to live that even I had not recognized before. While it is not the desire of either of us to move to India, moving homes has come rather easily to me. My best estimate is that I have lived in at least 47 locations (homes) throughout my life. I’ve never regarded any of them as a permanent residence, including my current home…up until now. And THAT realization is a bit unsettling for several reasons.

I realized most of my life has been built on chaos and transition, always looking forward to a better job, a better marriage, a nicer place to live, more time for me, always striving for improvement, etc. I’ve spent years examining my beliefs about most of these issues and applied various methods to resolve them. 

  • First, I’m happy to say this is the BEST marriage of my life – the most fulfilling and the longest! What has been key for us is having a spiritual base in common and lots of honest and respectful communication.
  • Second, the job as a minister is the most satisfying career for me, utilizing all the skills and experiences gained in every position previous to this one…yet providing ample opportunity for personal and spiritual growth. I love what I do!
  • Next, by addressing my workaholic tendencies, I now create time to do things I enjoy without the guilt; taking mini-breaks throughout the day (e.g., lunch on the deck); even taking one day off each week (hey, it’s a start). In the process, I’m actually getting more done than I was before.
  • Lastly, my house is a work-in-progress…like me. The house has been my primary artistic expression for the past 15 years. It inspires me. And I’m more ‘me’ here than anywhere else. We got married in this house, watched our kids grow up here, and modified parts of it to meet our particular needs and space requirements. I also really like living within walking distance to the center of our small town.

So why my distress over whether to move or not…yet again? What I recognized is that I have held the belief that in order to “grow” into the person I am to become, I need to expand in the physical realm as well – like a larger house or in a location with acres of woods and walking trails where I can contemplate with God. Where did THAT come from? Simply… race consciousness… comparing to others. Enough already.

I’m ready to stop the transitory lifestyle and mental chaos, the endless search through real estate ads for the “perfect place” that will never match up to what I already have and now truly appreciate. It’s time to unpack my office boxes, hang the towel bars and the photographs, organize the nightstand, and create my own personal space because finally I recognize that I’m worthy of having it. Some might call this putting down roots. True. This feels good… resolved… and is how to truly grow strong and confident in one’s own abilities.

No matter how many times I’ve gone away, I’ve always wanted to return here…to THIS house. I’m grateful we listened to the Spiritual voice that nudged us back to this place, one of creativity, security and love… my home. Now I can focus on what really needs to change and grow – me.

Time for Action!

Have you ever heard of analysis paralysis? It’s when you’re so entrenched in research, analyzing, comparing, judging options, etc. that you can’t make a decision. You don’t think you know enough to do the next correct thing. So you don’t decide on an action step. You just keep collecting information. The thing is, if you make a decision – your best one possible – and then move forward into action, you will actually gain more insight and experience to move forward in your plan, adjusting and adapting as you go along.

I have another one for you to consider: education hesitation. This is similar to the above immobilizing phrase, but in a different sense. It has to do with the beliefthat…if you only had a little more education or went to a few more workshops or took additional retreats or met with a couple more experts/authors…then you would have what it takes to fill the role you say you want. Education hesitation comes from a sense of insecurity that you don’t quite know enough YET to be the person to do the job or start that business. It’s a way to hide out from really interacting with the world–just keep going to school. How do I know this? I used to do it. Thus, I can easily recognize it in those around me.

There’s a colloquial saying that states: “Sh*t or get off the pot.” It means stop avoiding what you say you want to do; make a decision and show some action toward your intended goal. There have been times when I wanted to make that statement to a friend or two…when they tell me of yet ANOTHER class they need to take before they can do whatever. But I’m trying to demonstrate patience and nonjudgment, so I stay quiet. Up until now.

Yes, it’s good to do research…to make an educated decision. Everyone should commit to “due diligence” when making a major change in life. Then, when you’ve discovered all you can, for now, move forward! Have Faith and Trust. Know that you’ll make some mistakes along the way. The truth is you will never know EVERYTHING there is to know about anything. Accept that and act anyway! There will always be something more to learn, one more perspective to consider, one additional piece of information to be found. If you wait until you think you know it all – if you hesitate too long – the opportunity to experience your heart’s desire may be gone before you get to live it. You will actually learn a great deal more by living in the role or situation than just reading about it. I’m a prime example of education hesitation.

Even though I spent numerous years obtaining a bachelor degree and later a masters, while putting in 25 years or so in corporate administrative support, working for high-level executives and gleaning whatever management tips and absorbing words of wisdom they were willing to share…then nearly six years as a church administrator, as well as simultaneously studying to be a minister…nothing is so eye-opening as to actually BE in the senior leadership role I am now blessed to experience…to live and do and be.

All of those prior experiences were invaluable; they helped prepare me – to some degree. Yet, I learn something more EVERY DAY that didn’t come from a research paper or a class or even a former job. Stepping into this role has allowed me to grow intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, in relationship with others, and in ways I never could have imagined. Yes, I make mistakes. I adjust and regroup on occasion. I might even take a step back, move in a different direction, make amends, or read another book. But I keep moving forward and upward in my own evolution. I wouldn’t trade that for all the research documentation in the world!

I rarely give advice to anyone. Today is an exception: Get off the pot! Don’t let education hesitation keep you from becoming the fullest expression your soul came here to be. Start living the dream you claim is yours!


In the Company of Spirit

My meditation practice has been sporadic and undisciplined for much longer than I’d ever intended or cared to admit. I truly love the benefits of regular meditation. I get lost in the bliss and solitude, making it difficult to return to the physical world. Therein lies my desire: to be in meditation within the active realm of life.

Fortunately, I’ve been introduced to many methods of meditation. In fact I teach my students from this resource of awareness and practices, and am fully open to learning more, to experiencing more. A recent trip to a local sanctuary allowed me to guide a class through a number of different meditative practices, and then turn them loose to create their own experiences while I was free to delve into my favorites. It was a lovely afternoon of peace, serenity and new understandings for all.

The day’s favorite for me was walking the labyrinth…a beautiful classic design forged in rocks and boulders amidst trees and shrubs – both within the paths and surrounding the circle. Very mindfully, and quite alone, I slowly travelled the walkways laid out before me. I carried a flower, symbolically a gift to Spirit for the privilege of being there.

As I pondered my purpose and intention of the walk, head down but eyes open so as to avoid stumbling over tree roots or odd-shaped boulders, I heard someone’s step near the outside edge of the labyrinth. “Someone just passing by,” I thought casually and returned my focus to my intention and solitary walking. Within a couple of minutes and from another part of the meditation circle, again I heard someone stepping near the edge of the labyrinth. This time I looked up to see who was there.

No one. At least no human form was nearby or even within view of where I was standing, now paused in the dappling sunlight and the warm breeze. Then I heard it…a clear message from that eternal voice, which said, “I’m walking with you; you’re never alone.”

In that moment – a microsecond of time – I could feel Life smiling at me. And I smiled back.

Funny, I hadn’t thought about feeling lonely. The day, the week, had been filled with activities that included many people. While I had been serving in various capacities, I had also felt served by others. Then I realized the significance of this message…Spirit, God, is with us always, even when we’re feeling exceptionally good. Often we seek out our Spiritual connection when challenges are pressing us down to our knees; we call out for help through prayer and find comfort to make it through. We don’t have to wait that long.

We can feel that connection when things are going well and easy, too. We can offer prayers of gratitude for all the Good in our lives and more yet to come. In that moment of peaceful awareness in the midst of the labyrinth, I was once more assured of my relationship to the Divine…and all the Love and Serenity that are mine – any time I accept it…when I’m open to it.

That’s the purpose of meditation for me – to be more open to the Divine. So now I’m ready for greater discipline…to significantly and joyously deepen my practice. It’s time for another walk with Spirit. See you later.

Catch-Up…or Not

Ever since we moved back to our family home earlier this year, there has been a line of boxes waiting to be emptied. One room after another, items have been put away, given away, or tossed away. The artwork is finally going up on the walls. The heavier drapes are being hung in time for the cool nights of autumn. Life’s activities continue one day after the other amidst a stack of this or pile of that. Still, some boxes remain, with contents patiently awaiting a return to usefulness or the trash bin.

Occasionally I declare that it would only take a few days to “catch up” with all of it and things would be back to normal…that I would no longer need to look at these cardboard containers stacked around my office. When I tried that approach – taking a couple of days to unpack files into drawers, books unto shelves, and knick-knacks into corners – the other part of my life fell into panic…the deadlines and projects that I needed to pay attention to came due with amazing speed and stress. I traded one irritation for another.

The truth is, this IS normal…for as long as I can remember. There have always been boxes sitting around in some corner, filled with memories…numerous photograph albums, school papers, childhood gifts, and tidbits from relationships. Throwing these things away seems sacrilegious – all are parts of me. But every once in awhile, when we move or I need to get to something in the far back corner under the bottom of the pile, I’ll look through a box and determine that at least SOME item is no longer necessary to whom I’ve become. I’ll toss it into the wastebasket or ask one of my adult children if they want it. They never do. Why would they?

Frankly, I’ve come to accept that there is no “catch up” either. Time is time. We can’t save it up to use it later. We can only spend it as we live each day…fixing meals, working, hanging pictures, creating art or crafts, playing with grandchildren, working, visiting with friends, sleeping, driving, cleaning, recreation, working, studying, reading, writing, working, etc. (If you’ve followed this blog, you already know that, for me, working is a priority.) But sometimes I can empty a box or two.

I think the reason I resist the boxes is because of their contents. I want to explore each container indepth…look at each piece of paper to determine its value…fondly remember the goings on in my life at the time the item was gifted to me and by whom…make sure I throw nothing away that I’ll regret  later for having done so. No one can really assist me in this process. It’s a solitary endeavor. I’m the only one who can decide what stays and what goes…or how important that piece of paper is to my current existence. For example, reviewing the several small boxes of greeting cards received for all those special occasions during the past few decades from my loved ones. My husband has his own collection, too. We finally agreed that maybe it would be okay to reduce our “collections” and keep only a few of the most precious of these cards…when we have the time to look at them.

I know, eventually, all this will get sorted out. I’d just like to do it while I’m the one still making the decisions and so my children don’t get stuck with it. However, it’s not ALL going to happen today. And for now, I’m okay with that.

Many Hats…One Design

During a recent prayer session with a practitioner student, I was gifted with clarity into a behavioral habit I’ve developed rather consciously over the past couple of decades. I’m happy to say that the inspiration from that session included a resolution to make significant changes…to create and live a new way of being.

My approach to life has always been to have a backup plan. In this way, I have a “back door” escape, just in case the idea fails, plans don’t work out, or people let me down. What this has done, however, is to keep me from FULLY engaging in life. I participate, but only at a surface level. Sometimes it even allows me to hide out from life. Since I’m not totally engaged, there’s less chance of getting hurt, feeling failure, or even taking full responsibility – good or bad – for whatever the results might be. This approach, I reasoned, protected my heart and feelings from pain and disappointment of my own shortcomings or those of other people involved. Fortunately, I’m not operating from this perspective any longer.

The other related behavior, and which I have become very good at carrying out, is “changing hats.” I can speak to one person about marketing projects and deadlines, another about financial administration or team communication, another about massage and wellness tips, and still someone else about options to their spiritual path. In each case, I would put on “my hat” for each appropriate role (marketing professional, business manager, massage therapist, or minister and teacher, respectively), and then spoke from that perspective. I began to notice that my voice tone changed depending on which “hat” I was wearing or what needed to be addressed. I projected different personas. Many of us do this; there’s nothing really wrong with this communication technique. It’s just not the way I choose to express who I am any longer.

The truth is, I have all these capabilities bundled up inside this one magnificent being of spirit, brain and body – known as me. I’ve lived long enough to accumulate academic education, worldly knowledge, and wisdom from life experiences that give me some expertise in certain matters.  What I don’t know about something I can learn or rely on experts to advise me. I know that I don’t know all there is to know – and I’m okay with that.

The change I’m making – and what I’ve recently been inspired to do through powerful prayer and meditation practices – is to come from Source in all situations…to lead with the heart, with love. This means coming from my authentic, spiritual, heart-centered, compassionate, and strong nature God-self. I have all the Power of God available to my every thought and prayer, as much as I’m willing to accept. I trust with absolute certainty that the life I’m living is filled with Good and Love, no matter how it might look in the moment. I know the person I’m becoming will continue to evolve through all eternity, in one form or another. The only way I can hurt is if I let outside circumstances dominate and control my thinking.

A change of hats is no longer necessary. There is no need for a backup plan. I AM the plan.

Law of Gluten

As a minister, teacher and student of Universal Principles, immutable Laws that can be proven by anyone, I found myself the subject of painfully proving such a Law recently. Sadly, I allowed my human ego to make the decision in the matter. My body was the test subject and paid the penalty for not listening to that All-Knowing Voice.  Ignoring that Voice about the correct decision resulted in my own demise.  The decision? To eat too much flour-based food in one day.

I have discovered over the past few months that my body has developed an intolerance to gluten in food. Gradually, I have been reducing or eliminating gluten-based foods from my diet. This one decision has had incredible and positive effects on my body. Not only have the negative symptoms gone away, but my cholesterol levels have reduced, energy has increased, and I’m making healthier nutritional decisions for my diet. (If you do a search on the Internet for “gluten symptoms” – such as this site provides: http://glutenfreenetwork.com/faqs/symptoms-treatments/gluten-intolerance-symptoms-how-do-you-know-if-gluten-is-making-you-sick/ – you will get a better picture about this condition.)

Even with all the positive experiences I’ve been having by following this gluten-free practice, there have been times when I cheated on the diet. Just a little…without any major ramifications. However, this week I went too far in cheating. I succumbed to that ego voice that wanted the apple pie… and the tuna sandwich… and the crackers… all in one day. By the time I went to bed that night, my stomach and intestines were in such pain from trying to reject all this gluten-type food, that I spent most of the night and the next morning worshiping the porcelain god. The Law of Gluten reigned supreme!

Just like any Universal Principle, the Law of Gluten doesn’t care who you are… it is no respecter of persons. Anyone with gluten intolerance at the same level as mine, making the same bad decisions, would have similar results. The Law of Gluten is always there, invisible, and ready to be proven. Its effects, when disregarded, are similar in any one who decides to go against this Law. It’s nothing personal… it just is.

I am once again freeing my body (detoxing it) from the effects of this gluten allergy.  As long as I follow the Law of Gluten, I experience growing, positive results. If I disregard this Law, I pay the penalty, the effect, of my ego’s bad decision. I know what to do and which Voice to listen to. I have no one to blame. And it works every time. Perhaps you recognize this principle in yourself… through the Law of Lactose or the Law of Shellfish.

This painful experience has opened up my mind to new laws of nutrition I had never considered before. It also provided me a concrete example of how Spiritual and Universal Laws work in my life… and for everyone else… all the time, whether you pay attention to them or not. Ignorance of these Laws does not stop them from working…nor protect you from their effects or consequences.

Not only do I have a heightened awareness of the rules I will follow knowing the Truth about these Laws (and ALL Universal Principles), but I sleep much better, too.

A Full & Temporary Life

My husband just returned from several weeks of traveling overseas for business. It was sometimes a challenge to connect by computer video call or telephone due to the time differences. But we managed to succeed. The brief video calls we shared, so filled with laughter and love, will always be part of my memory. I discovered that, even during bouts of loneliness, I could function and even be happy in this temporary single life.

The thing is, you can’t catch up on the time apart. It’s in the past…spent…gone. What you CAN do is appreciate every moment in the NOW…the present and active experience in which you find yourself.

So I took the opportunity to visit my son and his family in another state – road trip – bringing with me my daughter and her children. The family gathering of siblings and grandchildren, dogs and air mattresses, preparing evening meals and impromptu fun activities with the kids, brought with the chaos a memory of my own childhood and a large family. I felt comfortable in the chaos and activity of multiple lives all buzzing around in one house. However, we all agreed and appreciated that this was only a temporary living arrangement; not one that we wanted to reinstate.

The day before my husband’s return home I had the pleasure of visiting with two of my dear and long-time friends, spending several hours with each of them in turn. One travels often for business; the other will soon be moving to another state. It wasn’t that we needed to catch up on each other’s lives or relive days gone by; it was more a time to go deeper into life’s meanings, challenges, and sharing solutions to problems that we’d discovered or found helpful. Spending time together like this is a temporary experience to be savored in the present moment.

All life is temporary. Each experience…idea…job…home…relationship…your body… season…a moment of connection…is either evolving into something deeper or transitioning, coming and going in cycles through a lifetime. Even our memories of the experiences are temporary and often uncertain. The other person may not get that same sentiment from the same physical experience. Yet, at the soul level, somewhere deep within each of us, we have connected in consciousness, in that moment.

My memory is important only to me; yours to you…yet we often want to hold on and relive it in our minds or try to recapture or re-enact the experience. It’s never the same, not really. Time has passed; it’s over. Living in the past robs us of real present-moment experiences or appreciating a significant and meaningful future.

This NOW, this temporary moment, this present experience is where our attention is needed. It’s all we have. It’s where we create the life we live. If we can pay attention, be mindful, of what is before us, we will live with such fullness that loneliness or separation will find no room in our heart or mind. Instead, we will be filled with the contentment of a lifetime of joyful experiences; each one fully appreciated, fully lived, and fully loved.

Afternoon Delight

There was once a popular song entitled “Afternoon Delight.” While this writing is not about the lyrics of that song, recent activities have brought up for me the joy of living and the gratitude of being… which are best described by the word “delight.” Perhaps you can relate.

Things That Bring Me Delight

  • Recently I shared a swing set with one of my granddaughters. As we traveled back and forth in the wind, pushing our feet to and fro to go ever higher and higher, the little girl inside me was giddy with delight.  I remembered how much I always loved to swing.
  • Earlier in the week I completed the formatting for a new curriculum version of a class I just began teaching, and am thrilled with the depth and richness it offers my students.
  • Today, an old but working kitchen stove was picked up and taken away after sitting for days in the driveway with a “free” sign on it.
  • My almost-new dog is teaching me how she plays keep-away and tug-of-war with her toys. I got to buy new ones to replace the ones we’re wearing out.
  • I’m always ecstatic when I prepare my Sunday message or these blog writings and end up with more material than I need to use.
  • At bedtime I enjoy reading a book, checking up on my social media site to see what my “friends” are doing, then shutting off all the technology and cuddling up with my husband before dropping off to sleep. The routine makes me smile.
  • And on those mornings, when I get on the bathroom scale weighing slightly less than I did the day before, I’m very delighted with my progress.

Delight contains many aspects and emotions, but not necessarily all at the same time. Delight is joy and happiness… love… gratitude and appreciation… a now-moment experience… content­ment… peace… laughter. What I have found is that the more I recognize this feeling of delight, the more I find it. It shows up everywhere! It’s also very addicting.

I love this feeling of being so much in the “now” that life is totally fulfilling, no matter what is going on. By being so completely aware of what is happening right here, right now, my activity feels complete… as I’m experiencing it. There’s no concern about what’s going to happen next because this moment isn’t done yet. I’m not making any plans for the next project because I’m having fun with this one. And when other people are involved and we’re totally focused on whatever we’re doing, it deepens our relationship… creates a memory… strengthens our bond… and further clarifies our purpose in each other’s lives.

It’s a way to experience the full and loving presence of the Divine… live lightly… delightfully! Grab those moments; hold them for just a few seconds longer. Learn to really appreciate Life!

What brings you delight?