V is for Voice… Spirituality A to Z

When you think of “Voice,” what comes up for you? Is it the “still small voice” of your God-Self within that is first and foremost in your consciousness? Is it the ego-self with its critical overtones that jumps front and center? Or is it a combination of the two, a Spiritually-based yet human voice, desiring to be heard in the world?

One of the things I’ve come to appreciate more is a person’s desire to be heard. I’m sure that is the subconscious force that drives me to write this blog week after week. I’m validated by the blog statistics that show at least a few people have read some portion of these published thoughts… that we have connected on a topic for a few minutes.

My “Voice” or your voice takes many forms. It can be the spoken or written word…photographs…painted canvases… sculptures… music… dance… or reaching out to another through a hug or gentle touch. We express our Divine Nature and human nature in a variety of ways. When we do (and I know this is true for me), it’s validating to get some form of positive acknowledgment in return. It can be empowering, too.

While it would be lovely to have everyone agree with me and all my ideas, the reality is that doesn’t always happen. Yet, knowing I am heard through some form of acknowledgment or response encourages me even more to reach out to those around me…to share more of me…to serve.

This revitalized awareness has also impacted some of the ways I’ve been communicating and increased my efforts in other directions. I recently began a practice that is taking me beyond my routine methods of reaching out. I now write a short letter, a note card in length, to someone…every day. Well, at least five days a week. After I do my morning spiritual readings, add to my growing “gratitude list,” and spend a few minutes in contemplative meditation, I pick up my pen and share a part of me with someone I care about. The act of writing down some interest, viewpoint or recent experience (or memory)…of sharing it with just one person in that moment… becomes very intimate, very connecting.

I get to be with that person in consciousness, to share a common bond. Through this process I’ve discovered a willingness to reveal more of my authentic self. I find that my Voice – the “I AM” part of me – is getting stronger and more confident. I’m learning to trust the God-Nature, my Spiritual Voice, to a greater depth as I recognize the being I’ve become and am becoming. And it’s not about whether I get a response or not, although that would be an added bonus to enjoy.

My gift comes in the moments of connection I feel as I think about that person and share myself, my thoughts, with them. It’s in believing that their day will be uplifted when they open the envelope. My gift also is recognizing I have so many people in my life that I care about.

Other gifts that have come about include: creating time on my calendar to connect with friends and family in person, not just on social media websites; putting down my phone while having a conversation with the person in front of me; even leaving it in another room or turning it off (OMG!) during a social event. I’m feeling less concerned about the “what” of projects, and more interested in “who” is being served. I’m even thinking about taking vacations. Imagine that!

This new Spiritual practice has softened me…and at the same time, strengthened my connection to life. Through giving “Voice” to my authentic God-Self with those I love, I am more receptive to listening to those needing to be heard, wanting love, or desiring recognition and connection. I can do that. You can, too.

T is for Time … Spirituality A to Z

There’s no way I could look at the letter “T” and not think about Time as part of Spirituality.

I was reminded today about letting go of the pressures we place on ourselves toward achieving goals, completing projects, or meeting deadlines. Instead, it’s about creating an attitude of relying on the Universal Flow of Life to achieve all that is needed for our greatest Good…in Spirit Speed. This can be a difficult pill to swallow, especially if you’re determined to accomplish certain things by certain ages of life. It is for me.

I’m not sure exactly when it started, but I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with Time. I love it when I have more than I need or expect, and hate it when there doesn’t seem to be enough. Of course, this is totally ludicrous. Every second, minute, hour, and day are exactly the same length for every one of us. It’s what we stuff inside those allotments or leave empty that determine our level of foolishness in dealing with Time.

It’s easy for me to recognize when I’m going over the crazy edge of trying to do too much in too little Time or for too long a Time (that workaholic tendency). There are obvious signs of frustration: conciseness in my conversations; deep breaths to calm myself; spinning or moving from one project to another; being easily distracted to the point that I don’t accomplish as much as I could if I just focused on one task at a Time…to completion.

I have clocks in every room. Time is noted on the computer, the cell phone, and in the car. Rarely do I go anywhere without a watch on my clockwrist. My weekly presentations are rehearsed and all segments are well-planned to meet the expectations of Sunday’s service staying within the 60-minute hour. In a culture that seems to thrive on short attention spans and instant gratification, the idea of long walks, leisurely lunches, long-term projects, or relaxing vacations can seem almost foreign to many people, including me. Such ideas of balance and rest actually bring more anxiety as my mind tries to “catch up” with what I’m not doing in a moment of relaxation.

The truth is the concept of Time will be around long after I’ve left this too-busy craziness. My greatest triumph over Time is to have as much of it and for as long as I can. While I agree with George Bernard Shaw in being “…totally used up when I die…,” I would prefer not to accelerate the process. As I seek a more balanced life in the variety of activities I pursue (or not), that includes how much Time and energy I spend on each of them.

There are moments when I see the futility of trying to force Life into being what I demand it to be rather than seeing it for what it is: a beautiful series of unfolding moments filled with wonder and connection, love and joy, and the completion of those things that are most important in that moment or stage of life…they do get done…everything in its own Time by the hands doing the work. The rest is finished in Spirit Speed.

N is for No’ing to Know … Spirituality A to Z

I never expected such a title or topic to come to mind when writing about aspects or practices of Spirituality. As I gave more thought to the idea of saying “No” to those things that do not support my soul’s expression or highest Good, the topic made perfect sense. It’s a way of setting boundaries yet doing so in a loving way, a positive way, and thus, a positive “No.” Let me offer a couple of examples.

When I say I’m unable to babysit for one of my darling little grandchildren, it’s not because I don’t want to spend time with them. I often have multiple reasons for everything and this is no different. In this case I might say “No” because the timing doesn’t work with plans I’ve already made…and…because it’s important that grandma not be the only source of babysitting services. When I tell certain church members that a particular idea cannot be pursued at the moment, it may be because of other budgetary obligations that take precedence or it conflicts with something else already planned for that time period or it doesn’t fit with the vision of the church.

In either scenario the decision to say “No” brings with it a need or desire to Know why such a decision is being made – both for the person making the decision and the one(s) on the receiving side of the decision. I believe the Knowing comes before the No’ing; to be sure I can stand behind my decision.

One of the things that drove me crazy in childhood, when I was learning how to reason things out, was when a parent or other adult would say “No” to a request, followed by “because I said so” when challenged. This taught me to be certain about my responses. And since I’m a relatively positive person anyway, saying “No” does not come as easily as “Yes!” – although my young children would have debated otherwise.

However, lately, I know that saying “No” to someone else’s request that places a burden on my time and energies is really a “Yes” to me. It’s a way of setting my boundaries so I don’t take on too much. Also, a temporary “No” provides additional time to evaluate a situation before moving forward and perhaps changing the answer to “Yes” or a stronger “No.” Whatever the situation may be, it’s important to Know the reason for your answer and be able to respond to the “why” if someone asks the question.

As I have learned to say “No” to situations and people for the benefit of my growth and independence, as well as for their growth and independence, I have come to know myself in ways I never imagined. I’ve learned courage and strength in standing up for myself. I’m uncovering what it is that I like to do and not do. I’ve discovered where I’ve been giving away too much of myself – to the energy-drainers around me (whether people or unproductive habits) – and am plugging up the leaks in loving and firm ways. I feel a greater sense of serenity as I say “No” to the chaos and drama, sooner rather than later.

I’m “No’ing” to Know the authentic and vibrant Life that is me. This truly is a Spiritual practice and one that requires diligent self-care and commitment to a deeper vision, a higher consciousness, of who I am. What a journey this is! You’re all invited to come along.

M is for Mother/Father God … Spirituality A to Z

As I’ve been going through this alphabet of spiritual qualities and practices, thought has been given to each letter’s meaning at least a few weeks in advance.

Up until now I envisioned the letter “M” would lead to writing about Meditation…the benefits and bliss experienced in those contemplative moments. I have been looking forward to sharing the different types of meditation one can experience…whether sitting in silence, walking in nature, staring into a fire, or painting a wall. Such a focus was not to be. My muse had something else in mind.

I was introduced to the idea of “Mother/Father God” a mere 20 years ago and immediately warmed to the concept. My childhood God was the image of an old man (Father) in the sky looking down and handing out one judgment or conviction after another, a stern being of limited warmth and compassion, but with strength and courage to protect in my time of need.

While the possibility of God (Spirit) having a feminine side was new to me, it made sense. Aren’t we (humans) all created with both masculine and feminine characteristics? So why would God not have the same attributes – or more – than each of us? If we’re made in the image and likeness of God, then the idea of a Mother and Father as One Divine Intelligence seems a logical one.

Since embracing the idea of a Mother/Father God, I developed an interest in religious archaeology. The research has provided me with knowledge about matriarch societies, feminine deities, and goddess worship, as well as evidence of artifacts, worship halls, and rituals, once considered common in the ancient world, to support the idea of feminine-based religions. However, through the passage of time and changes in leadership or political directions, whether driven by fear or a desire for domination and superiority, religious and spiritual beliefs were directed toward a masculine-led world.

The Mother/Father alternative brings the God concept back into a balance that blends the best of both perspectives. It feels more whole…seems more complete…more authentic and real.

The main characteristics I attribute to the Mother side of Spirit are gentleness, acceptance, warmth and creativity. All these Mother characteristics complement those of the Father side and together provide me a Supreme Energy and loving guide through life. When I meditate with this Divine Presence, I feel safe, peaceful and alive. I can take this Oneness into my heart and soul and do my best to emulate it, sending that love into the world and sharing it with those closest to me.

I welcome and embrace the strength and gentleness, the discernment and acceptance, the conviction and creativity…and so much more! There is no doubt in my mind that the Divine Presence, God, is everything – all the Good – that you can imagine it to be…whatever image brings you comfort…her or him or both as One.

J is for Joy!… Spirituality A to Z

There are numerous ways to stir the Joy within…which we also may call Happiness. Joy is all that, yet a more deep-rooted, more soul-based kind of Happy. Joy is the delight that comes from within and bubbles up on its own. Joy needs no prompting or stimulation to experience. Joy just is.

I’m happy to say that Joy is my authentic nature. And I know it’s the God-nature of everyone, but sometimes we need to look long and hard to see it expressed within ourselves or through other individuals. They may not have found it yet…their natural state of being…Joy…Happiness…Delight.

I once was married to someone who actually got irritated with me because I woke up happy and glowing every morning. I was delighted to be alive and looked forward to the possibilities the day held in store for me. And even though he acted sullen and spewed ridicule in my direction during many of those early morning hours, it did not detract me from staying in a gleeful state. I simply left the house earlier (to go to work). After several years, I left the marriage. The Joy remains.

The difference between being Happy and being Joyful is expressed in numerous ways. Maybe you can relate to some of these examples:

  • Happy – listening to a favorite song on the radio
  • Joyful – listening to a favorite song on the radio and clapping along and moving your body to the rhythm because you have to…and it doesn’t matter who sees you bee-bopping in the car!
  • Happy – noticing your grandchild walk up the driveway as he or she comes for a visit
  • Joyful – noticing your grandchild is now mimicking one of your behaviors…a good one
  • Happy – planting a tree or an herb in your yard or garden
  • Joyful – discovering that what you planted early in the season, while it seemed dead for awhile, actually survived and is growing strong
  • Happy – laying down to rest after a long and productive day, feeling good about what you did
  • Joyful – waking up from a deep and restful sleep, eager to start a new day, a new beginning

Joy is a state of mind, a way of being. It expresses in varied ways…as an eternal Light of God that never goes out, no matter how we try to cover it up with our problems or grumpiness. Joy continues to shine its rays of Happiness and Delight until, finally, we open our eyes to its presence and radiate a Spiritual glow out into our world.

Thank you, God, for this glorious gift! Amen.

H is for Harmony… Spirituality A to Z

I love vocal harmonies…good harmonies…the ones where the notes are sung so perfectly, so precisely, that it sounds like one voice instead of the work of three or four or more singers. I know a little something about such efforts, having been part of amateur choirs and small singing groups throughout the years. It takes dedication, effort, commitment, and repeated practice for the final presentation to sound like it just sails on the wind… the notes floating in and out of the song in synchronistic rhythms with a life of their own.

Spiritual Harmony is that synchronistic rhythm of Life. This type of all-pervading Harmony has within itself a balance and communicHarmony_violinMusication with all aspects of nature, thinking… Life. It’s a kind of invisible guidance system of Creation that allows aspects of Life to work together, coordinate, and flow in the ways intended.

Imagine (just for a moment) the problems that would result if you were in charge of determining the beat of your heart. Let’s say, beginning at age of 18 or 21, the continued operation of that one organ became dependent on YOUR focus and attention… at all times… for the rest of your life. How long do you think you’d be around? How much else would you really be able to accomplish given the all-encompassing nature of this primary responsibility?

Fortunately for all of humankind there’s a Divine Intelligence that takes care of not only this one little matter in our lives, but all other situations, concerns, challenges, and creative endeavors, where Harmony is of primary importance. I, for one, am extremely grateful for the freedom this provides my life.

I don’t have to think of my heartbeat, my blood-flow, my organ functions, digesting my food, eliminating excess or toxins from my system, etc. I don’t worry about whether the sun is going to shine, the planets are making their rotation, the seasons are going to change, or a baby knows how to grow from an egg to adult…human or animal. I also don’t need to be intimately concerned (or controlling) about what other people are doing, the long-term state of our economy, or government disagreements. All of these events unfold in their own perfect timing, in Harmony within themselves, as they need to… and most of the time, in Harmony with what’s going on around them, if we just look to see how synchronistic everything really is. Usually, we can see this very clearly when we look back years later.

Harmony is like breathing…a give and take…a cooperative effort. It’s the flow of Life. You can try to stop it – hold your breath – butHarmony_zenGardenPath eventually you will surrender because Principle is more powerful than you are. The longer you obstruct it or get in the way, the more you will experience less-than desirable effects. However, when you’re in that flow, that blissful place of perfect unfoldment, the power of God takes hold and life and circumstances come about with no conscious effort or decisions on your part – like a heartbeat.

Spiritual Harmony is a beautiful thing to behold and experience. Things work out… eventually… for the Highest Good of all. It takes faith and trust on our part to get our “bloated nothingness” [Emerson] out of the way and allow, accept, or even welcome Divine Harmony to express in our lives. We can set in motion an intention of our own creation, do our part, and then let go to see how Spirit [God] works to create our desire.

Frankly, Spirit has a better track record with Harmony and this whole creation process than I ever will. So I’ll take care of what’s mine to do, sing my part, and let the “Conductor” run the performance of my life. And so it is.

D is for Decide… Spirituality A to Z

I love how Universal Principles follow the alphabet in a natural and logical progression. Thus far we have looked at how we need to (A) ASK for what we want. Then, it is critical to (B) BELIEVE in what you have asked for; that it is already a possibility in the Mind of God. This abundant Universe will most likely provide you with (C) CHOICES from which you can select the best options…and usually better ones than you could have thought for yourself. However, until you DECIDE, take action, nothing happens. D…is for Decide.

“It does not take much strength to do things, but it requires a great deal of strength to decide what to do.”  Elbert Hubbard

You can ask, believe, and review the choices in front of you, but until you act…until you make a decision …it’s as if you’re standing in front of an open refrigerator full of food expecting a meal to jump out at you – all prepared and ready to eat. It’s not going to happen! You need to select/decide what you wish to eat, prepare it or cook it, and put it on your plate.

The same is true in Life. The same is true about your thoughts and beliefs – you can and do choose them. And as a result of deciding what you think and believe the majority of the time, you create your world. Your beliefs, consciously created or absorbed through culture (race consciousness), become thoughts, actions, and eventually your life. Gandhi said it wonderfully:

“Your beliefs become your thoughts… Your thoughts become your words… Your words become your actions… Your actions become your habits… Your habits become your values… Your values become your destiny.” – Gandhi

Every step in this process involves making a decision. No one thinks for you. No one speaks for you. After you come of age, no one decides your habits or your values. You get to decide what you will keep as your own from childhood – or from ANY experience. It’s empowering! Each one of us gets to decide how we will respond to Life’s challenges. Each one of us gets to decide how we will serve or be in the world. And each one of us gets to be responsible for what we decide.

Whether we’ve been aware of it or not, these Universal Principles (and more) are how Life is created. Whether we acknowledge the Principles through using them – try to ignore them or work around them – they’re still in place responding to our thoughts, words and actions. Whether our experiences are of our own conscious creation or as a result of the world’s impact on us, these Principles, these Laws, rule. It’s so much easier to work WITH the Universal Laws than to keep getting knocked down because we refuse to acknowledge them.

“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”  J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

Every day is your opportunity to Decide anew. You can continue on the path you’ve been traveling or take a new one, even if it’s only to test out something different for awhile – then Decide again. Perhaps it’s time to try a different approach in a relationship or a new attitude at work. You might be thinking about job options or an alternate living arrangement. Maybe you want to express your art or fashion choices with new designs. It might be time to go back to school or change careers or stop working altogether. Whatever it is that keeps coming up in your thoughts, it will not go away until the issue is addressed and a decision is made.

Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Then, once you make a decision, one based on that Spiritual “knowing” (intuition)… one that has no doubts about being the right choice… amazing things begin to happen. It’s the kind of decision where you know that you know that you know. There’s no sound of the ego voice debating in your head. Everything unfolds in absolutely perfect timing for your highest and best Good, and your life expands in Joy and Beauty and Love and Peace.

If one advances confidently in the direction of one’s dreams, and endeavors to live the life which one has imagined, one will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. – Henry David Thoreau

I have learned to trust Divine Power by starting with little decisions, witnessing the results, and gradually working up to grander ones as my “mental equivalent” has grown. As my trust grows, my choices and decisions have gotten larger, too. My confidence in Spirit has increased. My vision and life has expanded in wonderful and loving ways I only dreamed of years ago.

My challenge now is to ask and believe in ideas and endeavors that heal me, challenge me, and grow me in areas dear to my heart…maybe even make me a little nervous because they’re so much bigger than I used to dream. True, it can be about acquiring material things, and those are also in my realm of possibility thinking. Yet, they’re not the only areas of growth on which I must decide.

The decisions I make today are more often about the person I’m creating inside this human form. The focus is on becoming the highest expression of God I can envision. And just when I think I’ve achieved the best “me” possible…that this version is decidedly so much better than what I used to be…another choice presents itself and the A-B-C-D process begins anew. And so it is.

It’s All In Your Mind

There’s a colloquial saying that claims, “It’s all in your head.” I remember hearing that phrase on occasion when I was growing up, especially when I would start to project about some concern or problem happening in the future that would totally ruin my teenage life. The phrase was meant to stop me from such a negative train of thought. I later took it to mean that I was creating an unnecessary problem in my life. Both interpretations are correct…I know that now.

It truly is all in one’s head or mind. What we think about most often…positive or negative…we create in our lives or attract to us in some way. This means we must be diligent in our thinking and not fall into complacency. It means being aware and rigorously honest about the intentions, the motives, behind our thoughts, asking ourselves from time to time, “What was the real reason I said that [snippy, loving, mean, kind] remark?” or “Why did I treat him/her that way?” or “Where did that comment come from?”

I find it interesting to examine my thinking patterns to be sure I’m on the right track toward creating the life I intend to have – now and in the future. What is it I REALLY want to experience?

Right now, my focus is on Balance/Harmony, Abundance and Peace. This means I must also consider living from Love and acknowledging my connection with all Life. I must focus on the Universal Principles that are behind all creation…these (and other) “qualities” of God (as referred to in Religious Science).

This type of focus can be a challenge with so many distractions in the world or life in general. What I’ve noticed is that as I become more attuned to living and thinking from my God-Self, my human ego-self gets a bit unsettled, wanting to return to old habits and avoiding any change in the status quo. Opportunities for Spiritual growth continue to present themselves as a kind of challenge to see if I’m really making any progress…to test my commitment to this path. Sometimes, it can be two steps forward and one step back, depending on whom I’m interacting with and what the challenge might be. Yet, the evolution of Higher Consciousness will not be stopped.

The point is to be aware…to stay connected to Divine Love…to know that what you create in your life and what you are now or will experience… is truly all in your mind. You and I get to decide–in each second, each moment, with each thought, word and action–how we’re showing up in the world.

What does that look like for you today? Pay attention!

Things That Make Me Smile

This writing is somewhat of a list … of Things That Make Me Smile. I offer it as a starting point, an exercise, for you to consider what brings a smile to your life. These are listed in no particular order of importance – they’re ALL important. Fortunately, many are repeated from time to time, so I get to smile quite often…

  • watching my dog fiercely shake her toy and then how she eagerly waits to play the “go fetch” game with us
  • how my granddaughter negotiates with anyone to achieve her personal desires (I think she’s going to be a lawyer)
  • the pine tree that has re-grown needles on its top branches when we thought it was diseased and might need spraying. Instead, it just needed to be fed and watered more; recovering quite nicely
  • my husband’s facial expression when he discovers a stash of coins he’d forgotten about, all neatly separated into socks but lost in the closet or basement in a box of “treasures”
  • meeting friends for dinner and conversation or going out of town to visit them
  • listening to my dad’s jokes or stories of when he was a kid; reveling in his memories
  • getting lost in that meditation state when hand-watering the garden plants and trees
  • being greeted at the airport by grandchildren running toward me with open arms
  • noticing in myself what gets me in a tizzy and how I sometimes react to things I don’t like or want to do (but need to do them anyway)
  • being in the presence of a student when “the light goes on” – when a new awareness is suddenly realized
  • reading about a homeopathic remedy I can use for myself and discovering I have all the ingredients at-hand (this usually happens after 11:00 p.m.)
  • discovering the number “hits” this blog is getting continues to increase each week (thank you!)
  • noticing a plant has survived and is blossoming in the garden when I thought it was gone forever
  • experiencing the synchronicity of Spirit and life unfolding in absolutely perfect timing, making, what could have been an especially stressful time, one filled with ease and grace and love
  • seeing a photograph of a grandchild or hearing about them doing something I taught them or shared with them, not knowing if they would even remember
  • having coffee and prayers with my husband on the deck under the morning’s full moon and summer breeze

This and so much more are things that make me smile…and fill my heart with huge waves of gratitude. What makes YOU smile today?


Our church recently hosted a special healing event where several alternative wellness practitioners and healers shared their skills and wisdom with curious would-be clients. Healers offered services such as Reiki, SRT, or Yoga Nidra. One gentleman offered his intuitive skills through reading Tarot cards for folks. I was one of them and the last person to sit at his table.

As it was the end of the day and nearly time to start packing up the event, the reading needed to be shortened in some way. I asked him to do just one card. He shuffled the cards. I cut the deck. He fanned the cards across the table and waited for my selection. I used my own intuitive nature to select the perfect card – the 5 of Swords – and with no verbal input from me to offer any clues (I thought), his interpretation began.

This card, in general terms, is about the fear of loss, of losing control…an illusion of its own. With his eyes focused downward to the card on the table, he talked of how I was going through or may soon be going through some sort of loss. His eyes questioned my face as I remained silent and unaware of anything about which I may have felt a sense of loss. My mind was blank…open.

He continued this line of explanation and then reassured me that, while I may be saddened for a time over the loss, this void would open my life to greater expression and possibilities. His commentary and the session came to a close. We all packed up the event. I put the experience aside as something that was fun and interesting. I could think about it later.

Later came sooner than I expected.

Two days following, my husband and I agreed on a new wall-hanging/headboard idea for our bedroom… one that would utilize an embroidered duvet cover I had painstakingly created about 20 years prior and that had become our bed’s covering in the early years of our marriage. As our bed size had changed, and to preserve the memories associated with the piece, we no longer used the coverlet but had stored it away.

The detailed needlework designs on the queen-sized muslin coverlet had taken me two years to complete, with subtle, hand embroidery work that filled the center and ruffled sides. The angelic design symbolized our Divine introduction and enduring Love. It was the largest and most complicated fabric art I had ever done. I knew I could reconstruct the coverlet into a beautiful wall-hanging, a visible reminder of how we met and how our love had matured. I couldn’t wait to get started! I fell asleep with great anticipation for the project.

The next morning I went to the linen closet to fetch the coverlet from the plastic storage bag. It wasn’t there. Each shelf I searched revealed only towels and sheets, but not the embroidered masterpiece. I expanded my search to the craft closet, sewing bins, guest room, dining hutch, boxes of holiday decorations, and the garage. While I located many items that were no longer useful and could be given or thrown away, the coverlet was not among the finds.

Besides my own prayers of resolution and peace, a friend offered prayers to Saint Anthony, the patron saint of lost things. I called a couple of my children to see if it was accidentally packed among their belongings during previous extended visits. I changed my affirmation from “I can’t find it!” to “It’s somewhere in this house and it’s ready for me to see it!” I cried at my loss. The words of the Tarot reader came back with haunting clarity.

I fully realize my sense of attachment to this artwork and the memories I have threaded into the design. Still unwilling to face the loss of this treasure, I’m continuing the systematic search box by box, closet by closet, corner by corner, and drawer by drawer…until I know with absolute clarity what I truly do have as my earthly possessions and if this one accomplishment is among them. I will do a thorough and complete investigation. In the process I will also “release” many other things, more clutter and unused possessions that no longer serve my new direction and the life I now express.

cherub_trumpetIf by some accident the embroidered cherub truly has taken his trumpet and departed my realm, I will let go … by choice or otherwise … and open my consciousness and my interests to richer and fuller experiences. And so it is!