As anyone who plays Scrabble will attest, the sooner you learn a good number of valid “Q” words, the better your score can be. I am still learning. Thus, I was pleasantly surprised to find hundreds of “Q” words on one particular website, including a link to each one’s definition. Score!
The discovery certainly provides a Quality and Quiet Qi (energy)…a calm self-confidence…an improved inner knowing…and an increased enthusiasm to play Scrabble.
This same calm, confident energy can be found through a solid connection with the Divine Power (God) within. As a matter of fact, the feeling I have at the sight of this “Q” word list is very similar to the way I feel at the completion of a powerful prayer session (spiritual mind treatment).
When I think about anything of Quality it connotes something enduring and stable; something made of the highest materials, created with dedication to the art of its creation, and imbued with love. I think that’s how we (humans) were all created in God’s “mind” from the very beginning. God don’t make junk.
Unfortunately, there are times when we get pretty adept at defacing the beautiful living artwork we are. For some it takes reaching nearly self-destructing levels before reconstruction is seen as an option and the process is reversed. Hopefully, before it’s too late. Some people never see the wonder of who they are and spend their lives down-playing their talents, listening to negative comments (from their own minds or the words of others), and being less than the magnificent beings they could actually be. Yet, even in this version of expression, they are teachers to those around them. Without saying a word we are capable of instructing and learning through our very essence.
It is in this Quiet that we learn to know ourselves and determine what we are willing to know of others. It is in this Quiet that we make decisions, determine our beliefs, set our intentions, and grow into the image of who we think we are. It is where we become us.
Also, it is in this Quiet that we best connect with our Divine Intelligence and Power. Here is where our soul is fed and our heart finds warmth and rest from the challenges of the world. The Quiet (aka stillness) is a powerful place to reside. Anyone who meditates knows the magic of this blissful realm.
Meditation and prayer are wonderful tools to enhance your Qi (aka chi) – the essence of you. This inner self is the ethereal energy or life force that is with us forever. You can strengthen your Qi through having a Quality connection to God and spending daily periods in Quiet contemplation. Not only will your Spiritual life benefit from such practices, but your emotional life will deepen and your physical life will attract greater Good.
Quality. Quiet. Qi. Three great “Q” words to succeed in life.