
Welcome to my author page.

My first poem, about kittens, was written at the age of nine. That was followed by essays and stories and more poetry. Learning to read opened the door into imaginary worlds. I loved the escape! It was there I felt happiest until I discovered the wonder and joy of going to school. By the age of seven I knew I wanted to be a teacher and a writer. Finally, decades later, I am both.

My first marriage and early adult life, troubled with many challenges, resulted in the creation of my first literary novel and the intention to help other women (victims of domestic violence) discover the healing power of revealing family secrets, whether through journaling, story writing, or in combination with other forms of trauma recovery.

The “second act” led me to a gentler and safer way to live. It was here that my self-esteem and inner strength began to grow. I learned to trust myself more as a mother and a woman. I began to laugh. I also began attending community college. I was back in school! I started writing again, beginning with a mystery novel for middle-grade children. However, as life’s challenges continued to evolve and take priority, the manuscript got stored in an envelope deep inside a box for 25 years. After numerous household moves, it was once again rediscovered, then refined and published in late 2019… “In Search of the Mystic Fisherman.” (See BOOKS page.)

Much of my middle-age years were spent in corporate offices and adult classrooms. I pursued my education and moved about the Western United States until I found Colorado. It was then that I eventually found contentment in a teaching/ministerial career. Everything meshed for almost 38 years! Then the State of Oregon whispered an invitation and I moved again in late 2021. However, while the Pacific Ocean was just a few minutes away from our Southern Coast home, the siren call of our beloved Colorado beckoned us back. So in early 2023, we returned to familiar territory, vowing to NEVER move again.

For most of the past dozen years or so I have been writing curriculum, creating classes and teaching them in my former church communities. Now, as an independent New Thought (Religious Science) Minister, with an interest in Interfaith dialogue, the direction of my ministry is turning, yet expanding. There is always something more to learn… and share…

I am living my childhood dream – only it’s better than I imagined. Dreams really do come true!